Theme: Senses
Class: Special needs
Objectives: The pupils feeling comfortable in the classroom
The pupils learn to accept that the new teachers are different.
Teacher activity |
Pupil activity |
Materials |
Introduction |
*T. is welcoming the pupils into the classroom.
*T. introduces herself to the pupils. |
*P. are listening to the teachers |
Lesson development |
*T. introduces a doll who will stay 3 weeks in the classroom.
*T.I know a beautiful song.Please listen and if you can sing along.
*P. responding at the questions of the doll.
*P. listen to the song and maybe they sing along. |
*a doll
*Song (See Attachement) |
End |
*T.:Who knows the song :Head and shoulders?
*T.: We gonna do it different now. Just watch and listen. |
*P. who knows the song are raising their hand..
*P. are looking at the teacher and repeat after her.
Hello good morning, my dear friends;
Hello good morning, lets shake hands
Theme: Senses
Class: Special needs
Objectives: The pupils understand the story.
The pupils know that you see with your eyes.
Teacher activity |
Pupil activity |
Materials |
Introduction |
*The teacher invites the pupils to sit in a circle.
*T:Who can tell me what an owl is?
*T.:Can you show me the owl on the picture?
*T.Something happend to the owl, listen very carefully. |
*P. are sitting in a circle.
*P. answering
*1 pupil shows the owl on the picture.
*The pupils are listening. |
* Chairs
Lesson development |
*T. tells the story and uses a lot of expression on her face.
*The teacher asks questions:
1/Wich animals were in the story?
2/What happend to the owl?
3/Who found the owl?
4/Where did the owl fly to?
5/What did owl needed? Why?
6/What is this?
7/How do you wear your glasses?
8/Can you show me your eyes?
9/Can you show the eyes on the picture?
10/What can you do with your eyes?
*The pupils are watching and listening.
The pupils are answering |
*The story
End |
*T.:Now we are going to play a little game to prove we can see with our eyes. |
Pupils are listening |
Game: I spy with my little eye. |
Theme: Senses
Class: Special needs
Objectives:The pupils know that glasses help people to see
Teacher activity |
Pupil activity |
Materials |
Introduction |
*The teacher asks the pupils what the owl needed
*The teacher tells the pupils what they have to do. |
*The pupils are answering the question.(glasses)
The pupils are listening to the teacher. |
Lesson development |
*The teacher gives 2 toilet-paperrolls to each pupil.
*The teacher gives slices of paper to the pupils. You can tear them to pieces.
*The teacher explains the pupils that they may decorate their paperrolls with pieces of paper and glue |
*Each pupil takes 2
toiletpaperrolls and lay them on their table.
*The pupils tear the slices of paper into pieces.
The pupils decorate their paperrolls. |
*2 toiletpaperrolls for each child
*pieces of paper
*glue |
End |
*The teacher tells the pupils to clean up the classroom.
*While the pupil are playing the teacher glues the 2 rolls together.
*Now every pupil has his own glasses. |
The pupils clean the classroom. |
*glue |
Theme: Senses
Class: Special needs
Objectives: Pupils can place the right words next to the right picture.
Pupils can read if they see the pictures.
Teacher activity |
Pupil activity |
Materials |
Introduction |
*T. :What is this?
(T.shows his eye)
*T.:Who can draw an eye on the Blackboard? |
*P. answer
3pupils draw an eye on the blackboard. |
*blackboard |
Lesson development |
*T.:You can draw an eye in the first square ,in your book.
*T. writes an eye next to the drawing on the blackboard
*T. :You can write an eye on the line next to the drawing.
*T. does the same with glasses in the second square.
*T:What can you do wuth your eyes?
(T.draws a picture on the blackboard)
*T. I see with my eyes.(T. writes this sentence on the blackboard next to the picture)
*T.You can write this sentence on the line ,next to the picture. |
*P. draw an eye in the first square.
*P.watch very carefully.
*P. write an eye in their books.
P. do the same with glasses
P. answer
P.look very carefully
P. write the sentence |
*book english
*pencil |
End |
*T corrects the books |
*P. can read in a book or draw on the blackboard if they are ready |
*books |
Theme: Senses
Class: Special needs
Objectives:The pupils can explore their fantasy
Teacher activity |
Pupil activity |
Materials |
Introduction |
*T. asks what owl needed.
* If you had glasses what would you see true them? |
*P. are answering
P. responds the question. |
Lesson development |
*Everone is getting a piece of paper.
*You also get some cotton buds
*There are different colours of paint on the tables. Everyone can paint what they can see trough the glasses |
*P. listen at what the teacher is telling them.
P. are thinking of what they can see through the glasses. |
*pieces of paper
*Cotton buds |
End |
*T. asks the pupils what they have painted and why?
*T. asks to clean up the tables. |
*The pupils explain what they have done and why.
P. clean up the tables and the classroom |
Theme: Senses
Class: Special needs
Objectives:The pupils can draw the right amount of eyes on the blackboard
The teacher writes a number and the pupils draw the right amount of eyes.
Teacher activity |
Pupil activity |
Materials |
Introduction |
*T.shows some bottletops to the pupils.
Who can tell me what these are? |
*The pupils respond |
Lesson development |
*T puts some bottletops in the middle of the circle.
Who can tell me how many bottletops are in the circle?
*Can you draw that many eyes on the blackboard.
*T practices with numbers from 1 to 10.
*T.: How many bottletops are on the ground and can you draw as many eyes on the blackboard?
*The teacher says a number and the pupils have to draw that amount of eyes on the blackboard.
*The teacher shows a number thats written on a card.
The pupils have to draw that amount of eyes on the blackboard.
*The P. are counting the bottletops
1 pupil draws an equal amount of eyes on the blackboard.
*P counts the bottletops and draws that amount on the blackboard.
*P. are listening to the number and draw that amount of eyes on the blackboard.
The pupils are looking at the number on the card
The pupils who know the number can draw that amount of eyes on the blackboard |
*cards with different numbers
End |
*T.:Everyone may take place at their tables
*T.:There are some exercises in your books.You can try to make them. |
*P. take place at their table.
Each P. makes the exercises in his or her book. |
*Books maths |
Theme: Senses
Class: Special needs
Objectives:The pupils can situate themselves in space
The pupils are not afraid to climb objects
Teacher activity |
Pupil activity |
Materials |
Introduction |
*The teacher makes a road with tables and chairs.
*The teacher asks the pupils to take of their shoes and socks. |
*The P. are helping the teacher.
The P. take of their shoes and socks. |
*tables |
Lesson development |
*The teacher shows the pupils how the road has to bee followed.
*The teacher tells the pupils to stand on a chair.
*The teacher tells them they can follow the road.
T.:Do it the other way around. |
*The pupils are watching the teacher.
They are standing on a chair one behind each other.
*The pupils follow the road from chair to chair and from table to table.
*The pupils turn and follow the road in the opposite direction. |
End |
*T.: Asks to help her to put back the tables and chairs. |
*The pupils help the teacher to put back the chairs in the classroom
Theme: Senses
Class: Special needs
Objectives: The pupils are learning something about flowers.
The pupils can see differences between the flowers
Teacher activity |
Pupil activity |
Materials |
Introduction |
*The teacher goes on a fieldtrip to see the flowers in the school. |
*the pupils are coming along to watch the flowers. |
*Flowers |
Lesson development |
1) What do you see?
2) What colors do you see?
3) Show me a red/yellow/
4) Are all the purple flowers the same?
5) Look very closely to the white flowers, what do you see?
6) If you look very good, then you can discover some animals, which animals?
7) What do flowers need to grow?
*Teacher: Now you are all a little seed.
*Teacher: The seed grows very slowly and its getting bigger and bigger.
*Teacher: The seed grows and grows and grows until he becomes a very beautiful flower.
*Teacher: Now there is some wind, the flowers bow gently.
*Teacher: Now there is al lot of wind and the flowers go left and right, to the front and to the back.
*The pupils try to answer the questions.
-The pupils lay on the ground and make themselves very small.
-The pupils are doing what the teacher is doing. |
*Questions |
End |
*Back into the classroom, the pupils can paint about the flowers.
*We use six colors and they can paint with their fingers. |
*Water |
Theme: Senses
Class: Special needs
Objectives: The pupils can find the identical pairs.
Teacher activity |
Pupil activity |
Materials |
Introduction |
-The teacher takes the card of the memory and shows them to the pupils.
-The teacher explains to the pupils how the game must be played. |
-The pupils look at the cards and listen to the teacher.
-The pupils are listening to the teacher. |
-memory-cards |
Lesson development |
-The teacher turns the cards with the drawing on the floor.
-I now take one card and then another one. If they have the same drawing, then I can keep them.
-If they dont have the same picture, then I have to turn them again.
-The teacher plays the game, so that the pupils understand it very good. |
-The pupils are looking at what the teacher is doing.
-The pupils are trying to understand what they have to do.
-The pupils listen and watch.
The pupils are listening and watching. |
End |
-The teacher introduces a choice-board
-Each pupil can choose between drawing, memory, reading or playing with puppets and cars. |
-The pupils listen. |
Theme: Senses
Class: Special needs
Objectives: . The pupils are learning the sing-language.
The pupils can play, act like an animal.
Teacher activity |
Pupil activity |
Materials |
Introduction |
-The teacher: Everybody can act like an animal. I can act like a monkey
-The teacher is acting like a monkey. |
-The pupils listen to the teacher. |
Lesson development |
-Who wants to come to me and look whats drawn on this card?
-Can you act like the animal on the card?
-Some pupils can act like an animal.
-Then the other pupils have to guess which animal he/she is playing.
-Everyone has to say the name of the animal in sing-language. |
- One pupil is watching the card.
- One pupil tries to act like the animal on his card.
-The pupils try to guess what kind of animal he/she is playing.
-The pupils are trying to do the sing-language. |
-cards with drawings of animals. |
End |
-The teacher repeats all the animals that we have spoken about. |
-The pupils are repeating the words in English. |
Theme: Senses
Class: Special needs
Objectives: . The pupils can put the blocks on the build-plan.
The pupils feel the block and can place it on the right spot.
The pupils can train to make constructions.
Teacher activity |
Pupil activity |
Materials |
Introduction |
-The teacher takes the build-plans and shows them to the pupils.
-The teacher explains how to work with the build-plans. |
-The pupils are watching.
-The pupils are listening. |
-build-plans |
Lesson development |
-There are blocks drawn on the build-plan.
-The teacher takes a few blocks and she demonstrates how to build.
-The teacher explains that the pupils can choose between 4 things:
- Making build-plans
- Memory
- Reading
- Play with cars and puppets |
-The pupils are looking because they need to understand.
-The pupils choose between 4 things.
-blocks |
End |
-The teacher asks the pupils to clean up the classroom. |
-The pupils clean up the classroom. |
Theme: Senses
Class: Special needs
Objectives: à Pupils can use their fantasy and their imagination.
Teacher activity |
Pupil activity |
Materials |
Introduction |
The teacher: You can choose what you want to do. You can choose between:
· playing with cars
· playing with dolls
· playing with blocks
· drawing
The pupils choose between all these possibilities. |
· Cars
· Dolls
· Blocks
· Paper
· Crayons
Lesson development |
*The teacher sits with the pupils who wants to draw.
*The teacher: You can draw something out of your own imagination.
* The teacher: Im thinking of a dream that I had last night. Did you had a dream? What was your dream about? Can you draw that for me?
· the pupils draw something out of their own imagination.
· They draw their dreams. |
· paper
· crayons |
End |
The teacher: (name), can you tell me what you drew? And tell it to your friends to. |
The pupil is telling something about his drawing. |
*drawings |
Theme: Senses
Class: Special needs
Objectives: The pupils can create their own funny situation.
Teacher activity |
Pupil activity |
Materials |
Introduction |
*The teacher puts all different, concrete objects on the table.
*The teacher: Can you draw these objects on your paper? |
· the pupils are looking.
· the pupils are drawing the objects on their paper.
· paper
· crayons
· objects |
Lesson development |
*The teacher puts some funny objects on the other materials.
àexample: A little octopus on the head of a doll.
*The teacher asks the pupils to make their own constructions. |
*They are drawing the funny objects.
*They are making their own constructions. |
· funny little objects.
End |
The teacher asks every pupil to hang their drawing on the wall. |
The pupils are hanging their drawings on the wall. |
· wall
· drawings
· tape |
Theme: Senses
Class: Special needs
Objectives: àThe pupils can create their own fantasy-animal.
àThe pupils dont copy from the blackboard.
Teacher activity |
Pupil activity |
Materials |
Introduction |
The teacher is drawing a fantasy-animal on the blackboard. |
The pupils are looking at the blackboard. |
· blackboard
· chalk |
Lesson development |
*The teacher describes her own fantasy-animal. (head of a crocodile, legs of a chicken, tail of a horse,)
*The teacher: Can you make your own fantasy-animal? |
*The pupils are looking and listening to the teacher.
*The pupils start to make their own fantasy-animal. |
· paper
· crayons |
End |
*the teacher: (name), can you describe your fantasy-animal? |
*The pupils are describing their own fantasy-animal. |
· Drawings
We arrived on the 6th of October and Peter told us something about the workshop that we would start on the 7th of October. We were very interested and we wanted to know more about the project. In that workshop, we learned a lot about the sprint-project. The way we had to work here in Zambia became very clear and concrete.
Sprint is an abbreviation for school program for in-service for the term. Its supported by the VVOB (Flemish office for development and technical assistance.). Because of the sprint project, there are a lot of resource centres and there is a certain structure. First of all you have the TED (teacher education department). That means that a team goes to a district and they accompany the teacher with their lesson preparations and their teacher group meetings. There are 14 provincional resource centres. The one who is in charge of a provincional resource centre is called a PIP (provincional inset provider). In one province you have several district resource centres (77 over the whole country). The head of the district resource centre is called a DIP (district inset provider). In each district you have several zone resource centres (800 over the whole country). The head of the zone resource centre is called a ZIP
(zone inset provider). Last but not least, you have a school resource centre. The head of the school resource centre is called a SIP (school inset provider). These are a few shortenings that are used in the sprint project, but there are still a few important shortenings missing. We will explain them!
TG = teacher groups
The teacher groups are very important because of the ideas that you can share.
All the teachers of all the grades have a meeting and they discuss the problems that they experienced.
HIM = Headmaster in service meeting
All the headmasters have a meeting about the organisation, problems of the school.
If you enter a classroom in Zambia, its possible you will see a poster with 12 skills and the title on the poster is: Our class in action! These posters were made by the sprint project and they help to encourage the teachers to work in a different way.
The 12 skills are:
1. Use the local environment.
2. Testing for teaching and learning.
3. Questioning for teaching and learning.
4. Planning the chalkboard.
5. Using songs, games and rhymes.
6. Reflecting (teacher has to reflect).
7. Drawing.
8. Exploting textbook.
9. Encouraging communication.
10. Making or using teaching .aids
11. Organising groupwork.
12. Planning lessons.
In Zambia, we had to make a lot of lesson preparations, but they were different from the way we do it in Belgium.