Lesson preparation 1
Grade 3
Topic: The table of multiplication and division by 1,2,5 and 10
Material or teaching aids:
Objectives: 1.The pupils discover and can put into words that the multiplication is a abbreviate addition and that the division is a abbreviate subtraction.
2. They discover and can put into words that multiply and divide are inverted relations.
3. They have to build up ( and tell how they do it) the tables of 1,2,5,and 10.
4. They have to explain the product ( write) when 2 factors are given and reverse.
5. They have to explain the quotient (write) when dividend and divider are given and reverse
Note : information for the teacher
The teacher will divide the class in equal groups. The pupils put into words times; they use the symbol x . The operator must be the first part of the multiplication.
ex. 3 groups with seven children each= 3 x 7 = 21
The division is the inverted relation of the multiplication.
We distinguish the partition and proportion division.
a. The partition division
Father divides 60 kwacha under three children.All of them get the same amount.We know the partition will be under three children, but we dont know how much each child will get.
The solution: 60 (kwacha) : 3 = 20 (kwacha).
Dividend and quotient can be named, the divider not.
b. The proportion division.
Father divides 60 kwacha under three children. They get each 20 kwacha.
We know how much each child get, but we dont under how many children the money was divided.
The solution: 60 (kwacha) : 20 (kwacha) = 3 (children)
Question: How many times goes twenty into sixty ?
A. The table of multiplication by 2
1.Some suggestions:
- Put a lot of alternation in your lesson.
- Make use of different methods.
- Make sure that all the children acquire insight.
- During the lesson the teacher has to repeat the next terminology, symbols and notions.
Product = Result of a multiplication ( = a shorter notation for the sum of different equal terms.
Quotient = Result of a division ( = a shorter notation for the deduction of different equal numbers)
Group = make groups of... ( = count in groups)
= times
= divide in...
2.Act and put into words:
a. The pupils group objects in groups of two, they can also work with bars.The operator must be first, in front.
Put into words: 1 times 2
a group of 2
The pupils lay the quantities ( de teacher note the products on the BB): bars, corralchain, hunderd field.
0 times 2 0 0 x 2 = 0 0 is a multiple of 2
1 times 2 2 1 x 2 = 2 2 is a multiple of 2
2 times 2 4 2 x 2 = 4 Also 4,6,8 are multiples.
3 times 2 6 3 x 2 = 6 Also f.e. 6 is the multiple of three of 2.
b. Then we handle the division table ( only as a proportion division)
How many times bar 2 goes into 2 ? 2 : 2 = 1
How many times bar 2 goes into 4 ? 4 : 2 = 2
How many times bar 2 goes into 6 ? 6 : 2 = 3
Put into words: 4 divided by 2
4 in groups of 2
c. You can also put in groups on the counting-frame.
d. On the number axis the multiplier can be fixed on the products.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
The children will count on the number axis by 2 from 0 till 20 and back.
How many times 2 goes into 10, into 12 ...
e. The teacher has 4 plastic bags and in each bag he has 3 objects.
We count 3+3+3+3 = 12 of 4 x 3 = 12
How many plastic bags with stones are there when we have in all 12 stones.
f. Also playing cards and dies can be used.
Look at when you put it into words.
6 are 3 groups of 2
6 is a multiple of 2
6 is the multiple of three of 2
the product of 3 and 2 is 6
2 is a divider of 6µ
2 goes 3 times into 6
0,2,4,6,...are multiples of 2.
3.Shematise and put into words:
How much is 4 x 2 ?
The children put into words:
4 x 2
4 times 2
4 groups of 2 elements
4 subsets of 2 elements
8 is the quadruple of 2
2 is a divider of 8
How many groups ( subsets) of 2 in 8 ?
Use of the magic box.
Task draw the arrows
Is a multiple of 2
Is a multiple of 2 |
is a divider of...
Is a divider of |
4. Applications:
Exercises on the BB
Make groups ( subsets)
Draw the subsets and fill in the label.
12 in groups of 2 = .... groups
12 : 2 =
B. The table of multiplication by 10 , 5
1. Act and put into words.
a. We work analogous ( ref. table of 2) but we can start our lesson with the hunderd field.
We put into words:
0 0 x 10 = 0
10 1 x 10 = 10
10 + 10 2 x 10 = 20
and so on...
How many times 10 goes into 0 ? 0 : 10 = 0 0,10,20 ... are multiples of 10
How many times 10 goes into 10 ? 10 : 10 = 1 0,10,20 ... are multiples of 10
How many times 10 goes into 20 ? 20 : 10 = 2 10 is a divider of ... ( f.e. 30)
How many times 10 goes into 30 ? 30 : 10 = 3 30 is the multiple of three of 10.
Also how many groups ( subsets) of 10 in ...
b. Use of the bars.
c.idem for the table of 5
2. Schematise and put into words:
Draw the arrows
is a multiple of ...
is a multiple of |
Is a divider of ... Is a divider of ...
b. Other applications ( write the exercises on the BB )
1. Make groups ( subsets ) of 10 Draw yourself and fill in the label.
40 in groups of 10 4 x 5 = ...
40 : 10 = ...
First lesson:
Grade: 4
Subject: Language
Topic: The Kite, vocabulary
Teaching aids: the material to make a kite.
-Long string, sticks nails, hammers, and piece of wood, plastic, scissors, and knife.
I. Introduction
The teacher asks the children to name some objects that can fly. When one of the children is saying a butterfly, you ask what this butterfly might look like.
You have a child draw on the blackboard, if you have colour chalk, let him colour.
Then you tell the children that you know a song of a butterfly named "Butterfly fly away".
The song
Butterfly fly away
II. Development
Now the teacher puts a basket with objects on the table in front of the class. The basket contains the materials to make a kite. The teacher calls some pupils in front of the class and asks them to take out all the objects one by one. Each child tries to name each object. The word kite is not mentioned already.
When all the objects are on the table, the teacher will ask the children what we can do or what we can make with all these objects. The children will give a right answer.
Now the teacher asks the children if all the objects are in the right order. While putting now all the objects in the right order the objects are to be denominated again.
- Make the children put all the objects in the right order.
- Let the children name each object.
- You put a picture under each object.
- You put a card with the name under each picture.
- Each word can be linked to a sentence. These sentences explain what to do with the objects.
- The words The sentences
The stick You have to cut two long thin sticks to make the frame.
The nail Zama uses a nail to make a cross.
The hammer Please could you pass me the hammer and a nail ?
The plastic Chanda cuts plastic into small pieces to make the tail of the kite.
The tail
The scissors I need the scissors to cut the plastic into the right shape.
The needle Zama, you have to sew the plastic to the frame with the needle and the
The thread thread.
Cotton Could you give me some cotton?
The string This piece of string isn`t long enough to fly the kite.
Thick piece of wood You must use that piece of wood to make the handle.
The kite You tie the end of the string to the kite.
The verbs
To make
To attach
To wrap
To join
To cut
Two key-questions
1. What do we need ?
2. What do you do with it ?
III. Evaluation
You can divide the class into five teams to make pupils work together and to stimulate the competition between the teams.
Per group you can ask pupils to accomplish the following tasks
1. Put the materials in the right order to make a kite.
2. Combine each object with the right picture and name the picture.
3. Associate each picture with the right card at the back of which is written the name of the object.
4. Join the right sentence to each picture.
5. Explain every word.
Second lesson
Grade : 4
Subject : Language,reading
Topic: The kite
Teaching aids : idem
I. Introduction
Read the words or the sentences or the text of the previous lesson.
Make sure all the children are given a chance to read some words or sentences or paragraphs.
II. Development
The teacher is asking some questions about the text.
The children answer orally in their groups.(oral)
The teacher writes the right answer under the question on the blackboard.
1.What are Mubita and Zama making ?
They are making a kite.
2.Why Mutinta must cut two long sticks ?
To make the frame.
3.What does Zama need to make a cross ?
He needs a hammer and nails.
4.What do you need plastic for?
To make the body of the kite.
5.With what do you sew the plastic to the frame?
With the needle and the thread.
6.Where do you have to tie the string?
At the end of the kite.
7.What do you need the wood for ?
To make the handle.
8. Where do you tie the end of the string?
To the kite.
9. Where do you tie the other end of the string?
To the handle.
10. What can you do now?
Now we can fly our kite.
First the teacher asks one team to read some of the sentences.
Then the teacher asks a question to one of the teams.
The groups give an answer without looking the text.
The right answer is written on the blackboard.
III. Evaluation
The children write the questions and the answers in their exercise-books.
Afterwards there will be an individual test based on the ten questions.
Third lesson
Grade : 4
Subject: Language,Spelling
Topic: the Kite
I. Introduction
Depending on the grade in which you are teaching, you can start by reading the words or the sentences.
First you give the opportunity to the children to read the words or sentences. If a child doesnt read very well, the teacher will repeat or ask one of the good pupils to repeat. All the words or the sentences will be on the blackboard. Use also the objects and the cards with the words and the sentences.
The teacher writes word per word on the blackboard, the children will do the same in their exercise-books and control if the word is written correctly.
The children are helping each other and the control will be done within the team. Make sure that each group has a good element, a good pupil.
Do the same with the sentences.
You write one sentence on the blackboard and you analyse the difficulties.
I need the scissors to cut the plastic into the right shape.
- in this example you explain the orthography of the words scissors, plastic ,right and shape.
- You ask some of the pupils to write the words on the blackboard.
- Dont leave words wrongly spelled on the board.
- Make them write the sentence in the exercise-books.
Repeat the same method for the other sentences.
Dictation of the words or the sentences.
Dictate word by word.
Speak slowly.
Repeat every word.
Dictate every sentence word by word.
Speak slowly.
Repeat every sentence.
Correction to be done classically.
Fourth lesson
Grade: 4
Subject: mathematics, geometry,cm
Topic: The Kite
Teaching aids: a ruler,paper,a pencil,concrete shapes,pictures of shapes,chart of shapes,chart of a house,a kite on a chart.
This lesson of the kite can be part of the annual planning of geometry. It will be one of the first lessons of geometry.
We make a walk in the schoolyard and the children collect concrete material from the environment, and bring it in the class. Ask the children which shapes they can distinguish.
Then let them look carefully around and ask them to distinguish different shapes in the classroom.
Ask the pupils to have a close look at a house or a building on the schoolyard and ask again to distinguish different shapes.
II. Development
The teacher prepared a drawing of a house and asks the pupils if they recognise the different shapes. Make sure the shape of the kite figures on the drawing of the house. Let the children discover the shape of the kite.
Now we are going to establish sets of shapes.
a. First we put all the shapes of the house in the set of the FLAT SHAPES :
the circlse, the polygons, the quadrilaterals ,the triangles,the kites.
b. Now we distinguish the set of the polygons.
c. Then we distinguish the quadrilaterals.
d. Finally we distinguish the kite.
The teacher will draw the kite on the blackboard, again step by step.
a. the short stick
b. the long stick
c. make a cross
d. denominate the angles by the letters a,b,c,d.
e. connect the angles.
f. You ask the pupils how we call this shapes = the kite a,b,c,d.
g. Measure the sides in cm
ab = cm
bc = cm
cd =cm
What do we discover when we compare the length of the sides? they are alike two by two.
h. Calculate the total perimeter of the kite in cm.
i. The teacher now shows a chart of the kite with the name of the shapes, the measures, and the name of the angles.
j. The teacher also shows a chart with the set of shapes.
III. Exercises
All the children are going to make the picture of the kite as they saw the teacher doing in the development of the lesson.
One pupil will do it on the blackboard while the teacher is guiding him.