Situation 1
Grade 3
Key-word list
Mouse, happy, school, to laugh, tail, smile, to walk, and more words found by the children.
Grade 4
Grade 5
Situation 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
1 x 7 = 7
2 x 7 = 14
3 x 7 = 21
4 x 7 = 28
5 x 7 = 35
6 x 7 = 42
7 x 7 = 49
8 x 7 = 56
9 x 7 = 63
10 x 7 = 70
Grade 5
Situation 3
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Verbs/nouns/adjectives like to laugh, to walk, to cry, sad, bad, and happy.
Situation 4
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Situation 5
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Situation 5
Grade 4/5/6 |
How many tails the mouse have? How many were cut the first time, how many the second times?
Can you tell me the story again? Can you play the story?
The key words are written down on the BB.
Teaching the table of multiplication.
How many tails the mouse has?
Seven children stand in a circle.
Teacher will teach, by the same method till 3 x 7.
The teacher will write down five sentences.
We will analyse the sentences and put the words in verbs, nouns and adjectives columns.
The dictation of ten words.
Reading and learning the table of seven by games. |
All the children will be saying one sentence of the story.
The children will play the story.
The children read a lot of times all the words.
The children read the tables of multiplication.
Children answer individually.
A child will draw a set with seven elements.
Another child will write
1 x 7 = 7
And so on till 3 x 7
All the pupils will read their story or a part of the story.
The children write down the words individually.
All the children sing the table of multiplication, but grade of 3 can keep on drawing. |
Table of multiplication games:
1. One child in front of the class and will say a table, the other students will answer.
2. Two children in line, every time they give a good answer they make a step forward. The one who will be the first in front or back of the class wins.
3. One child claps the table in her hands the others have to answer.
4. Two children will stand in front of the class reciting the table. If they make a mistake the other pupils can put their finger in the air.
5. All the children stand up and the teacher is asking the table. When a pupil gives a good answer he or she can sit down.
6. All the children sit down. The teacher is asking the table. When a child gives a good answer he or she can stand up.
1. Concrete children in a circle.
2. Semi concrete is the story.
3. Semi abstract sets on the BB.
Abstract 3 x 7. |
Write the tables of multiplication of 2, 3,4,5,6.
Write down the story in 5 to 10 sentences.
Write all the new words in your book.
After writing you will dictate the words to your friend. Correct the words and then start over.
The pupils finish their writing exercises.
Write all the new words in your book.
After writing you will dictate the words to your friend. Correct the words and then start over.
Complete the table of seven.
Write also the table of six and learn by heart the both tables.
Complete the table of multiplication and learn by heart.
Complete the list of 20 words in each column.
Learn the words.
Make a drawing of the story.
Complete the list, correct with your friends and prepare your dictation.